Today we continue with another or Dr. Ralph Ehren’s encounters as a pastor. He wrote:
“Another experience I remember during my pastorate happened in Laramie, Wyoming, a mere three weeks after I arrived as the new pastor. One of the faithful ladies in the church made an appointment to visit with me, her new Pastor. She was there on time. I was happy and anxious to get acquainted with those in leadership responsibilities in the church.
“However, this visit became more puzzling and challenging after it had been concluded. During the time she sat in my office, she boldly announced that ‘the Lord directs this church through me!’ She indicated that anytime I had issues to be dealt with, questions about anything related to the church, I was simply to call her and she would handle the matter. I didn’t think she was serious; but, with the passing of time I learned she was!
“How does a new Pastor handle an issue like this? I could not go to her—she was the issue! I gave much thought and prayer time to this matter. I finally decided that I must talk with the Deacons to see if I had misunderstood her. So I made appointments with each of the Deacons to meet them in their homes to discuss the matter. This took several weeks, but I finally saw all of them along with their wives. Then, I called the Deacons together at the Church. I reminded them that I had seen each of them along with their wives in their homes. I asked, ‘Is my evaluation of the situation correct?’
“To a man they agreed this was a serious problem because of her commitment to her own stated position. It had been a problem long before I arrived on the scene, but nothing had been done about it. Then, I asked, ‘What should be done about this issue?’ They responded with complete silence, indicating that nothing would be done. Heretofore, they had been able to work around the problem, so the Pastor would be left to do the best he could, but on his own. They would not become involved.
“In the ensuing weeks the matter became more harassing. One week I was out of town to attend a revival meeting. While I was gone, she called my wife all hours of the day and night, not to talk, but to inform her how things were and were going to be at the church. She never accused me of any wrongdoing other than the fact that I had not consulted her on matters she felt were her responsibility. We had an eighteen-month old daughter at the time, and my wife did not need her harassment.
“Not many months into the year, the wife of a fellow pastor, some miles from Laramie, died. Almost immediately the lady in out church announced that the Lord had instructed her to abandon her husband and four children to become the new wife of the bereaved pastor!
“She drove to his house to announce the Lord’s plans for him. Then she returned home to make all the arrangements to take up residence with him. In the few days between, the grieving pastor packed his belongings and left the area. He did not want her to find him; so he resigned and left the area without a forwarding address.
“The presence and demeanor of this lady was far more distressing than anything she did. I believed she was demon-possessed—a state of mind not easily identifiable. It is more clearly discernible (through the Holy Spirit) in relationship with such a person.
God called Ralph Ehren, trained and led him into his 80s; after more than a dozen moves serving as a pastor and teacher, the Lord continued to open doors for him to spread the Gospel. Ralph Ehren taught the Men’s Bible Study Group at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX, up to the week before he died at age 90.
Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 NLT
If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed. 1 Timothy 4:6 ESV
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