God's Other Ways

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Perhaps you’ve read the poem entitled “One Solitary Life”.  The author is unknown and it has many versions.  Here is one of them:  

  He was born in a stable in an obscure village.
From there He traveled less than 200 miles.
He never won an election. He never went to college.
He never owned a home. He never had a lot of money.
He became a nomadic preacher. Popular opinion turned against Him.
He was betrayed by a close friend, and His other friends ran away.
He was unjustly condemned to death, crucified on a cross among common thieves,
On a hill overlooking the town dump. And when dead, laid in a borrowed grave.
Nineteen centuries have come and gone. Empires have risen and fallen.
Mighty armies have marched and powerful rulers have reigned.
Yet no one has affected men as much as He.
He is the central figure of the human race.
He is the Messiah, the Son of God, JESUS CHRIST!

One morning I felt a compelling urge to rush to the computer and write what follows. 
The words spilled out faster than I could write.  It took me all of five minutes to write this updated version.  

“My  Hero”

He doesn’t wear a suit and tie to work.
He’s not a whiz on Wall Street.
He doesn’t own a lap top computer or have a cell phone.
He doesn’t drive a fancy car.
He’s not a movie star.
Nor does He have a TV show.
He’s not a CEO that jets around the world.
Nor did He receive a single vote in the last election.
He doesn’t live in a big house or fancy neighborhood;
He’s never taken a vacation or a cruise.
He’s never written a book nor had His picture taken.
The post office doesn’t even have his address.
Yet, painters have portrayed Him.
Authors write about Him; Movies depict Him.
No one has affected men as much as He.
Twenty centuries have come and gone,
Wars are still fought in HIS name.
Politicians and presidents fade into history.
Friends who denied knowing Him, 
Changed their minds and died for Him.
He is the central figure of the human race
He is the Messiah, the Son of God.

I had 2¼ in x 3½ in laminated cards printed with this poem.  I leave one on the table in restaurants
for the waitress, have mailed them in my Christmas cards, and have distributed them anywhere I can. They fit easily in a pocket or wallet.

The other side of the card has the following message:

Reasons the Bible is True

Jesus Christ is the Messiah – The Son of God

1.  Gospels and books in the New Testament were written by eyewitnesses to both the crucifixion and resurrection.

2.  A Roman Guard, consisting of 4-16 Roman soldiers under penalty of death if a prisoner escaped, was posted to guard Jesus’ tomb…and they did not refute the resurrection.

3.  A stone weighing 1½ tons sealed the tomb. Could a crucified Jesus, encased by 100 lbs of  spices, and in a tomb with a Roman seal and guard, roll away the stone and escape? Christ left empty cocoon-like grave clothes.

4.  After the resurrection Jesus appeared to hundreds who confirmed His resurrection. If not true, many would have said so.

5.  Eleven disciples (all cowards) became “flamingly” dedicated and died horrible deaths defending their belief in Jesus as the Messiah. People die for a cause they believe in. If Jesus was not resurrected, their cause died too. 

6.  Archaeological discoveries verify the accuracy of New Testament manuscripts.

7.  Psalm 22 describes crucifixion 600+ years before it was first used. 

8.  To refute the resurrection claim the authorities only needed to produce Jesus’ body, and they didn’t…because they couldn’t. 

9.  Apostle Paul (Saul of Tarsus) turned from persecuting Christians to following Christ. He died horribly for his belief.

- Kenneth Robb Kersey


If you liked this story and would like a copy of either of my books,
they are available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle format:

See this content in the original post

If you have a story or testimony that you think might bless others,
I invite you to send it by email to me (Kenneth Kersey) at godsotherways@me.com.
